Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A walk through my grandmother's past

Pursuing the American dream

I love my family (God rest their souls) but I grew up with a couple of hoarders. I've always known that to some extent but now that I'm in charge of deciding what to toss and what is worth keeping, it has really hit me. I'll never fully understand why they kept so much, although I can try understand the possibility of the stuff simply sneaking up on them over the years.

I'm having a good time finding some interesting items and I've come up with a new idea for a photo series. It came to me while I was purging my grandmother's W2 forms from the 1970s (yes, you read that correctly). I noticed she had several jobs in Downtown L.A. between 1976-81.  I wrote down a few addresses and I plan to visit each building over the next few days and take a snapshot. I'm sure I've walked past these specific places a million times before, completely unaware of the personal link. I can't wait to see what these specific addresses look like and I can't wait to share the images.

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