Saturday, July 31, 2010

A ride for old times sake

I remember permanently writing off public transportation the moment I drove my car off the lot back in 2004. For some reason I threw that thought out of my head and took the blue line today. It isn’t so dreadful when it’s a leisure ride, without timetables.

Blue Line c.2010

I sat by one of the doors. It was quite empty and that is a sight I’m definitely not used to. I pointed my camera at the door and left it on through all seven stops so I could capture whatever I wanted without wasting time. Through my peripheral vision I noticed people sitting close to me would intentionally walk to a further exit when their stop came up. I wondered if they didn’t walk into my frame because they were being nice or because they didn’t want me to have an image taken of them…I assumed the latter.

This is what I call familiar ...

Florence Station c.2010

Vernon Station c.2010

Crossing c.2010

Washington Station c.2010

San Pedro Station c.2010

Grand Station c.2010

Pico Station c.2010

Underground c.2010

7th/Metro Station c.2010

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