Near my current residence, there are several walls covered in artistic graffiti. As a result, this attracts an annoying amount of photographers always using these walls as backdrops for ads, cd covers or mere additions to their portfolios.
One afternoon I took a stroll around these coveted walls and saw an interesting alley. On one side was a nice restaurant called the Metropol and on the other side was a fenced off abandoned building. Although the building was an interesting sight, the objects along the fence caught my attention.
There was a dead leaf on the loose gravel near the fence. The light hit the leaf in an interesting way and I liked the texture of it. The more interesting question to me was, where the FUCK did this leaf appear from?? There aren’t any trees nearby since it an alley. I took the picture. Most that see this don’t know that there isn’t a tree there.
It’s hanging at the freestyle photographic supplies gallery until 6/12/09. I should’ve titled it.

Right beside the leaf was a pole with a very rusted chain on it. Observing that this “alley” was also a diagonal single file parking lot, I wondered what the former purpose of this chain was. Clearly it hadn’t been touched in a very long time.

At the end of the alley was one of my favorite finds; a cement covered railroad track. I’ve recently started collecting pictures of where the local railroad tracks suddenly disappear.

Thanks for sharing the link to your blog, Vasthy! Your photos are amazing and take a, literally, closer look at L.A. I hope to see more from you in the future.