Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Happy Sign

Knitting is for girls c.2011
Mobile picture

During my rides on the train, it isn't uncommon to see passengers partake in their hobbies, whether it's reading, writing, knitting, sleeping etc. My ride home today was a little bizarre. I get on the first stop of the route, so the trains layover for several minutes, even during rush hour. After the train filled up, some time had passed and everyone started to get a little restless. The beeping sound that signals the closing of the doors kept sounding off non stop. Everyone knew something was wrong. After several minutes of annoying beeps, the conductor announced that there were technical difficulties and everyone had to transfer onto the train on the otherside of the platform. Groans were heard all around as everyone got up out of their seats and rushed over to the otherside.

I was able to find a window seat. Just as soon as I had sat down, an older man in a work suit sat right next to me. He immediately smiled at a young guy sitting right in front of us. I hadn't noticed that the young guy was knitting. The man next to me asked him, "how many times have you heard 'I've never seen a guy knit before'?" That's when I noticed that older man next to me was also knitting.

I admit, I've never seen a male knit before, and there I was, sandwiched between two men who were knitting. They were so close to me that I couldn't get a picture of both of their hands in the same frame. I snuck some pictures, although I really wish they had turned out clearer.

While I was doing this, I received a call from an out of state phone number. Since I was in the middle of taking pictures with my phone, I instantly picked up the call. It was the phone interview I had been waiting for. It was for the volunteer spot for Habitat for Humanity's Global Village program. I was smiling to myself during the phone interview. Perhaps sitting next to the only two male knitters in the city was a sign that something out of the ordinary was about to happen.

The interview went well and I'll be off to Romania for a couple of weeks later this year. As George Bailey might say, "Holy Mackerel!"

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