Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Start

Central library c.2011
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New year's resolutions. I know the majority of people have the idea that a new year's resolution is only an attempt at a goal rather than a goal waiting to be accomplised. I know everyone says this, but I really do have every intention of sticking to my resolution. Well, at least the one I have relating to this blog.

After being without home internet service for exactly one year, I decided to do something about it today. I wasn't boycotting any service, but not having the internet at home simply ...just happened. I was using the library's service and the service on my phone, which is why I didn't feel any sense of urgency to have another connection. However, I wasn't able to spend as much time at the library with my new schedule. Blog entries and other personal projects backed up as a result. I like the quiet environment at the library and it made it easier to gather my thoughts there, but I'm going to have to practice self discipline at home and stop making excuses.
2010 wasn't my favorite year of the decade. Actually, it ranked pretty close to being the worst of my 20s. But here I am, still standing in 2011 and completely open to optimism instead of absolute realism.

Speaking of optimism, something happened two days ago that made me smile. Let me back track a bit. Two weeks ago, I sent in a volunteer application to Habitat for Humanity's Global Village program. They ask applicants to list their top three location choices. I relunctantly filled out the other two choices even though I had my heart set on El Salvador, my mother's country. After a few of days, I only heard back from the team leaders of my other two choices, Romania & New Zealand. I wasn't thrilled about these places but their program dates are the most convenient.

After reading the responses from both team leaders, I was beginning to like the idea of volunteering in Romania. I'm ashamed to say I don't know too much about the country other than their strong Olympic gymnastics history, and Transylvania, but the email was very enthusiastic and detailed. I wrote back to the Romanian team leader expressing further interest. After few email exchanges, it was settled that I would be contacted for a phone interview very soon. As the idea of going to Romania continued to brew in my head, a "sign" came my way two days ago.

I went to Borders in Hollywood for no apparent reason. As I was browsing through the travel section, I talked myself out of buying any guide related to Eastern Europe. I didn't want to get too ahead of myself. What if I'm not contacted or it simply doesn't work out? I'll be disappointed and I'll be out $25 on a useless guidebook. So I wandered over to the fiction section, specifically to the "V's". It's no secret that I'm a fan of Jules Verne. I looked and I hoped I'd find a copy of one of hard to find books that I've only read online. I found something better. Off at the end of the shelf I saw a small purple book with a title I had never heard of. "The Castle in Transylvania"
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Um, what?? A "new" Jules Verne book set in Romania? It may be a freaky coincidence but I am choosing to see this as a happy omen. I bought it without any hesitation. On the way home, I read that this was published in the middle of 2010 and it was the first english translation since the 1890's. The story was also written 4 years before Dracula (which is next on my reading list). I think it's pretty obvious the publishers are trying to capitalize on a certain teen vampire series, but that's ok since it worked to my benefit. Heh.

Not only am I choosing to view this discovery as a sign of a new opportunity abroad, but also as a sign that other things may fall into place in 2011. It may sound too "Pollyanna" but I'm ok with that.

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