Sunday, January 30, 2011

A missed block of local history

Mobile pic c.2011

Yesterday was off to a frustrating start. I woke up with a full blown flu, I was out of medication, and I had two library books that were due. I tried to renew the books online but they were put on hold by someone else. Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice but to take them back in my condition. But I figured I could get some fresh air and pick up some much needed medicine.

After I dropped off my books, I wasn't in the mood to hang out and browse. (You know I must have been really sick) I met up with Chris and we decided to walk over to Little Toyko to have a early dinner before my medication reload. We walked along 5th St. past Pershing Square, which I hate to do late in the afternoon due to the nasty rats that like to run by. Aside from the rat anxiety, the fresh air was a nice contrast to my feverish forehead. As we crossed the street onto Hill St., Chris pointed to the ground and smiled.  My reaction? "Wow, that's old school!" It's strange that this piece of pavement has been left alone years after Thrifty's became Rite Aid. It's stranger that this piece isn't in front of a Rite Aid. It's even stranger that I've repeatedly missed this piece of pavement.  

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has memories of trips to Thrifty's specifically for the ice cream. Rite Aid still sells the well known ice cream under its former name, but it's not 29 cents anymore. In our household, Baskin Robbins ice cream was for extra special occasions. You can label Thrifty's ice cream as the proletariat's ice cream. Coconut Pinapple, Black Cherry and Rocky Road were my favorite flavors. They still are. I remember I couldn't wait until I was old enough to finish a triple scoop on a waffle cone. Come to think of it, I never got to do that. I think I know what I'll order on my birthday. 

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