Sunday, January 16, 2011

Walking right past natural beauty

SoCal winter morning
 Mobile picture c.2011

Have you ever repeatedly walked by a certain spot and then suddenly notice something different? It happened to me recently. I was leaving for work one morning when the blue morning sky gravitated my attention upward. Three gorgeous trees had just been trimmed by city workers due to the high winds. There have been ongoing problems with large branches breaking off and blocking the streets, not to mention the danger to pedestrians. Unlike other parts of the country, winters in southern California are never truly frigid. As a result, it rarely looks like winter around here. Perhaps looking at the snow capped mountains and christmas lights are our reminders. I'm not complaining, however it's pretty well known that we don't have four seasons down here. Also, the seasons we do have don't always come in chronological order.

 That morning felt different.  There wasn't a heat wave or a freak storm. The combination of the crisp, "California cold" morning air along with the naked trees felt like the perfect SoCal winter day.  Or maybe there wasn't anything too different about that day. Perhaps the only difference was that I stopped rushing and took a second to notice the beauty has been across the street all along.

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