Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Easter eggs on the train


Mobile picture

A Tuesday night on the train…

I arrived at the train station fairly late Tuesday night. I ate dinner in downtown because I didn’t want to eat a late dinner at home. I stay up late when I do and well I don’t want to be one of the sleeping passengers in the morning do I?

The train was late and a large crowd had formed at the first stop. Everyone was silent and beat from a long day. There was a crazy drunk on the other platform but two electrical railroads served as a safe barrier.

Finally, the sound of the warning horn and the three bright lights of the train appeared. We were all a step closer to being on our way home. I sat down across from a rather poorly dressed guy with several bags. He looked like he’s been having a rough time. I couldn’t tell if he was homeless. The trains run very late so it wouldn’t have surprised me if he was setting up a temporary camp. As I’m inadvertently staring, I notice he got on his knees and plugged his radio in an outlet underneath one of the seats. Have those outlets been there since 1990?? I couldn't help but smile in disbelief. Good know...

Monday, August 30, 2010


One thing you can’t do while driving to work is sleep on the way there. But then again most bus riders need to wake up earlier and consequently lose sleep in the process. I haven’t been necessarily losing sleep. I’m getting my usual 6 hours. But for some reason, waking up earlier feels so much worse, even if I am getting the same amount of rest.

I’ve adjusted to my new schedule and by having done so, I’m not one of the poor souls passed out on the train ride into the city. I've been impressed at the reliability of the camera on my phone. It's discreet enough...at least until I can afford a Leica.

Lost sleep c.2010

Am I breaking any kind of ethical code? It's probably obvious where I stand on the matter. If it’s in a public place then it’s fair game, right?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blurred vision

City hall through head grease
Los Angeles, Ca c.2010

I know the MTA billboard campaigns are aimed to point out the many advantages of using public transportation. I won't argue against those advantages. The most obvious that comes to mind is the environmental contribution. After all, it's a known fact that the city of Los Angeles is one of the worst places in the world for air quality.

That's about all I can contribute to the "pros" list. I'll think of more advantages once my situation changes. Hindsight is always 20/20 right? I do like that I am able to appreciate the scenery through my daily commute through Downtown Los Angeles, just like the old days. I can't read in transit because I get motion sickness. Honestly, I would be able to devour books on a weekly basis if it wasn't for that little annoyance.

One evening on my bus ride home, I sat down in an empty row and immediately noticed my view was blurred. Even though my eyesight has been slowly deteriorating due to the strain of my day job, I knew this blurred vision wasn't caused by poor eyesight. The blur was on the interior side of the window. I instantly recognized the texture. It was head grease.

I remember the first time I solved 'the mystery of the nasty slime' when I was in high school. I would usually try to get window seat because if you dosed off, you could always rest your head on the window instead of embarrassingly mimicking a souvenir bobble head. I've seen others do it. I've done it. I did it this morning. To continue with the story, one early morning I snatched a coveted window seat. Just before I rested my head on the window I realized there was a noticeable blur. I knew I wasn't that sleepy. I nearly brushed my nose against the smeared gloss as I inspected what this could be. The obvious solution in my groggy state of mind was to touch it with my index finger. My finger slid upon contact. Almost as soon as I touched it I quickly retracted it in horror. I wiped my finger on the seat over and over until the tip got red. What the hell was that?? Just as I asked myself that question, it was all made clear. A man in front of me was asleep and had his head rested on the window. Several stops later, he woke up and exited, and also left a blurry window for the next passenger. To be honest, this man didn't have an obvious amount of gel. I don't think he had any based on his appearance. That was nature made.

Since then, whenever I've come across a blurred window, I simply move. I would rather stare at a complete stranger in a parallel row or stand up for an undisclosed amount of time rather than to gross myself out from a triggered memory. Although my latest reaction, much to my surprise, wasn't to move seats or stand up. It was simply to pull out my camera...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A forced walk through past... in the near future

Downtown L.A. bus stop c.2008

In an unfortunate turn of events I have once again become a dependant of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority. I find it quite strange that, out of the blue, I decided to take leisurely rides on the train over the past couple of weeks. It almost seems as if my subconscious had a premonition of what was to come.

Downtown L.A. bus stop on a Sunday c. 2007

To say the situation has brought my plans and goals to another sudden halt would be an understatement. Through all of the disappointment I am thankful for the fact that there is at least a way to get to and from work. It will be interesting to record what I see this time around… At lease I hope it’ll be interesting.

Oh hell…

Downtown L.A. bus stop c.2008

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In and out

Once again, the central library is the focus of my attention. I stopped by over the weekend and briefly walked in, however, the day was so gorgeous outside that I walked right out and enjoyed a good book at the California plaza. I’ve never visited that spot during the week but I can imagine it’s jammed packed with suits and skirts during the afternoons. I enjoy this spot on the weekend since it’s usually quite peaceful (with the exception of the scattered tourists that occasionally stop by).

California Plaza - Mobile upload c.2010

After sipping on fancy water and finishing up a novel, I walked back past the side of the library on Grand Ave. I noticed a window I’ve ignored for years and years. I’ve been aware of the frame but for some reason that day I actually was able to see through it. Barely.

Central library
Exterior c.2010

It isn’t uncommon to see people take a few pictures inside the library from the bottom floors looking up. It’s quite a grand sight. I still do it from time to time. The perspective is obviously much different from outside, but in a surreal way. I was actually more amazed at the fact that I noticed something I’ve never seen before. I felt silly, embarrassed and stupid for having missed this “out looking in” view all this time but I was glad at the same time. As I continue to revisit familiar places, I hope to experience this feeling of rediscovery again and again.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

...riding through Los Angeles

Passenger c.2010

Last week I revisited an old friend…the metro blue line. Public transportation usually is a pleasant experience when you don’t HAVE to use it. Since I had the luxury of time & personal space on my side, it was a nice ride. I rode it again to the central library, however this time I chose a window seat facing east. My eye immediately zeroed in on the window etchings.

What form of public transportation hasn’t been defaced? I used to see guys pull out their sharpened pens or box cutters on the 18 route and make their mark. I usually witnessed things like that in the back of the bus and other passengers never spoke up. The scratching on the windows and panels would make me twitch, much like nails to a chalkboard. Pointless behavior in my opinion…almost as pointless as taking public transportation for fun. Kidding.