Saturday, August 14, 2010

A forced walk through past... in the near future

Downtown L.A. bus stop c.2008

In an unfortunate turn of events I have once again become a dependant of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority. I find it quite strange that, out of the blue, I decided to take leisurely rides on the train over the past couple of weeks. It almost seems as if my subconscious had a premonition of what was to come.

Downtown L.A. bus stop on a Sunday c. 2007

To say the situation has brought my plans and goals to another sudden halt would be an understatement. Through all of the disappointment I am thankful for the fact that there is at least a way to get to and from work. It will be interesting to record what I see this time around… At lease I hope it’ll be interesting.

Oh hell…

Downtown L.A. bus stop c.2008

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