Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Easter eggs on the train


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A Tuesday night on the train…

I arrived at the train station fairly late Tuesday night. I ate dinner in downtown because I didn’t want to eat a late dinner at home. I stay up late when I do and well I don’t want to be one of the sleeping passengers in the morning do I?

The train was late and a large crowd had formed at the first stop. Everyone was silent and beat from a long day. There was a crazy drunk on the other platform but two electrical railroads served as a safe barrier.

Finally, the sound of the warning horn and the three bright lights of the train appeared. We were all a step closer to being on our way home. I sat down across from a rather poorly dressed guy with several bags. He looked like he’s been having a rough time. I couldn’t tell if he was homeless. The trains run very late so it wouldn’t have surprised me if he was setting up a temporary camp. As I’m inadvertently staring, I notice he got on his knees and plugged his radio in an outlet underneath one of the seats. Have those outlets been there since 1990?? I couldn't help but smile in disbelief. Good know...

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